pregnancy symptoms in first week

1 week of pregnancy

If you are wondering what the symptoms are in 1 week of pregnancy, then this means one of two things:

1. You have a "delay", and you decided to check the signs of 1 week of pregnancy with what is happening to you now;

2. You are just preparing for motherhood or have attempted in vitro fertilization (IVF), and now you want to know if conception happened.

The delay in menstruation falls on 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, information about which is presented in our next articles. For those who are planning to become a mother, all the most important is here and now. So what do you need to know about? What Happens During 1 Week Pregnancy? What day of the menstrual cycle does it fall on? What are the sensations and signs? What is changing in a woman's body? To begin with, let's clarify what we mean by a gestational age of 1 week, which is important, because there are two ways of calculating it: embryonic and obstetric. Fetal is 1 week of pregnancy after conception. And since it is almost impossible to establish the exact date of conception (unless you have had IVF), doctors all over the world have decided to count the pregnancy from 1 day of the last menstruation. This is called the obstetric term.

With this sorted out. Go ahead.

 Not everyone knows that:

• 1 week of pregnancy is not a week after you saw 2 cherished strips on the test, and conception is not a day of sex.

• Conception can occur only within 48 hours from the moment of ovulation - the release of the egg from the follicle.

• Some spermatozoa live in a woman's body for up to 7 (or more) days, but they lose the ability to fertilize much faster.

• 2 sperm cells cannot conquer 1 egg. The most complex fertilization process is thought out by nature to the smallest detail. To achieve the cherished goal, sperm must overcome several obstacles, and after each test "behind the back" all paths are closed for the winner. Rare cases, when two people manage to penetrate the body of an egg at once, lead to the creation of an abnormal embryo and its self-destruction.

• Conquered by 1 sperm, the egg turns into 1 zygote. With the correct structure and internal content (without information breakdowns, genetic mutations, etc.), our zygote will grow into 1 beautiful healthy baby.

• When a fertilized egg divides into blastomeres, identical twins can develop as a result of accidental destruction of the zygote's membrane! Thus, 1 egg and 1 sperm will become the "parents" of two or more children.

• The so-called twins (if they are not identical twins) can appear in anyone, even if this has not been observed in your family. In some cycles, ovulation occurs more than once. Accordingly, more than 1 egg is fertilized, giving life to several babies at once.

There are many interesting facts related to conceiving a child. But the most important question that interests many: is there a way to understand at such an early date that you are already guaranteed in an "interesting position"?

1 week of pregnancy and sensations

Most women do not feel any signs or symptoms that they are pregnant. Only in "seasoned" mothers can breasts begin to enlarge early - sometimes with the formation of colostrum (the fluid that precedes the production of breast milk). Fluid from the breast is a common occurrence outside of pregnancy: for example, with fibrous mastopathy or hormonal disruptions, which often makes itself felt one to two weeks before menstruation. Other conditions similar to PMS may also occur, such as mood swings and even mild nausea.
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At 1 week of gestation, the uterus becomes softer and looser, and the mucous layer (endometrium) lining it from the inside continues to grow, so that later the embryo can attach to it faster and more reliably. The belly at 1 week of pregnancy, of course, cannot change in any way: the size of the embryo is slightly more than 1/10 of a millimeter! And if you suddenly notice that your "abs" has become slightly convex or a new fold has formed in the abdomen, then, most likely, you simply recovered. And this has nothing to do with the beginning of an important period in your life.

Baby: 1 week pregnant

If so far no special changes have been observed in the woman's body, then amazing metamorphoses are already taking place with the embryo. After fertilization, the egg (zygote) is split into smaller cells within 3 days; at the same time, its size remains the same, and it simultaneously continues its movement along the fallopian tube to the uterus. On day 3, 8 cells (blastomeres) are formed in the zygote - this is the moment when 1 cell can already be taken from the embryo for a special genetic analysis (PGD), which is often necessary before IVF.

The fetus at 1 week of gestation gradually turns from a group of scattered blastomeres under one shell into a ball, where the outer part, the trophoblast, is transformed later into the placenta, and the inner cells, the embryoblast, then become an embryo. To be precise, the embryo will only be called a fetus after a few weeks. In the meantime, he goes from zygote to blastocyst. For the further development of the embryo, its implantation into the layer of the endometrium of the uterus is necessary. This usually occurs at the beginning of 2 weeks of pregnancy (but may be 7-10 days). However, if something went wrong - for example, during the journey to the uterus, the zygote suddenly attached itself to the wall of the tube - an ectopic pregnancy occurs. In view of the danger of such a phenomenon, which is detected closer to 5 weeks,

The size of the baby is still so small that the fetus cannot be seen in the ultrasound photo of the first week of pregnancy. At best, the doctor will note the absence of a dominant follicle (if there was one) and the formation of a corpus luteum in its place (which will produce progesterone necessary to maintain pregnancy). But this is not a sign and symptom of pregnancy, but only indicates that ovulation has taken place. An idea of ​​what a baby looks like in the 1st week of pregnancy from conception will be given by unique pictures of the famous Swedish scientist and photographer Nilsson Lennart. With the help of incredible tricks and experiments with medical equipment, already in the middle of the last century, he managed to capture all the stages of a person '

Increasing the opportunities

Here are a few problems that need to be addressed well before conception.

1.  Hemorrhoids  . As the fetus grows, the pressure in the pelvis will increase. In addition, stool disorders, constipation are possible. All this is fraught with increased manifestations of hemorrhoids, the treatment of which during pregnancy will be problematic due to the potential danger of appropriate drugs for the fetus.

2.  Leakage of urine  . Even if it is very rare, but you have had situations when, for example, when you cough, you could not exercise 100% control over urination, it is worth at least six months or a year before pregnancy to be puzzled by a trip to the urologist. Otherwise, if this problem is not resolved in a timely manner, late pregnancy can cause a lot of trouble, and you will have to use special urological pads. After all, the growing fetus will press on the bladder, which threatens to create an awkward situation in the form of involuntary urination.

3.  Fungal diseases and herpes types 1 and 2... When active in your body, they can harm the fetus. Some doctors show excessive anxiety, even if the disease simply slumbers in a woman's body, having long taken a chronic form. But most of the time, you shouldn't worry. If you can still remove some types of fungus from the body, then herpes, once settling in the nerve endings, will never leave you and will peacefully coexist with you, each time manifesting itself against the background of a decrease in immunity. That is why during pregnancy, when the immunity of the expectant mother is weakening, it is so important to monitor your health and, at the first manifestations of the disease, take medications internally or externally. The most undesirable thing is to get sick with herpes or fungus for the first time during pregnancy.

4.  Untreated teeth  . You will have to bring the oral cavity to an ideal state and eliminate even the slightest problems, since during pregnancy the acid-base composition of saliva changes, contributing to a more rapid destruction of tooth enamel. And bad teeth are a potential source of bacteria.

5.  Varicose veins... If you have one, you will have to attend to the purchase of preventive or compression stockings (the degree of compression of medical hosiery is selected individually by a phlebologist). Wearing them can prevent the further development of the disease and protrusion of the veins, which is not excluded in the later stages of pregnancy with a serious increase in the weight of the expectant mother. By the way, if, for medical reasons, a woman will have a cesarean section, then even if you do not have varicose veins, you will need to purchase special so-called operating stockings before giving birth. They are used to prevent blood clots from forming. These stockings should be put on immediately before the operation and not taken off for several days after. Moreover, in recent years,

6.  Endometriosis  . Normally, during menstruation, the endometrium is renewed - the previous layer is removed so that a new one forms in its place. However, with endometriosis, some endometrial cells are able to settle in the fallopian tubes, intestinal walls, and other organs. Reasons for development: heredity, hormonal disorders (predominance of estrogen), disruptions in immunity. Progesterone support may be needed, as the frequent lesions of the fallopian tubes in endometriosis make pregnancy difficult.

7.  Various diseases inside the uterus  , which can be caused both by bacteria and viruses, and by adhesions, hormonal disruption, are a consequence of mechanical action (abortion or the so-called curettage). All this can lead to problems of conception and pregnancy:

Adenomyosis  (or internal endometriosis). Endometrial cells proliferate inside the uterus, affecting its muscle layer. The reasons are similar to the development of endometriosis: often - the predominance of estrogen production over progesterone, weak immunity. Hormonal support is allowed not only before pregnancy, but also during its course (up to a certain period).

Endometritis  (a chronic form of endometrial disease; treated with antibiotics and hormonal drugs).

Polyps  (growths; they are different in composition; with a large number and volume, they are eliminated promptly).

Synechiae  (adhesions inside the uterus; like polyps, they are eliminated with hysteroscopy).

To confirm or deny the presence of one or another negative process in the uterine cavity, hysteroscopy may be prescribed. Such a study allows not only to see exactly what the scale of the problem is, but also, if necessary, to immediately eliminate them. That is, hysteroscopy is diagnostic, when anesthesia is not needed at all, or local anesthesia is used, and also surgical, when an operation is performed under general anesthesia. In any case, it is necessary to deal with the above-described diseases before pregnancy.

1 week of pregnancy and sex

So, fertilization has taken place, and now the zygote, every day dividing into an increasing number of cells, moves along the tube towards the uterus. You have not yet had an embryo implantation. Can sex hurt him? This question at 1 week of pregnancy is more of a psychological nature. Physically at this stage, the child is not threatened. But more often than not, women freeze in anticipation of the day when a test strip or blood test for hCG confirms that everything is developing well.

A little later, at the beginning of 2 weeks, when the embryo will submerge into the endometrium, attaching itself to the wall of the uterus for subsequent development, you may have to reduce not even the amount, but the energy of the intercourse process. . However, not everything is clear here either. During arousal, blood circulation in the uterus increases, and therefore its saturation with oxygen, which even has a beneficial effect on the future fetus. But during orgasm, the walls of the uterus contract, which can be dangerous in the event of a threat of miscarriage, when the embryo is still insecurely entrenched in the mother's body.

Who will we order the stork?

There are many myths about how you can program the sex of your baby. For example, those who crave a boy are advised to consume more meat and fish, and to conceive a girl, you need to lean on buns, chocolate and other goodies. There is an opinion about the cyclical nature: from a certain point every 3-4 years you can give birth only to a boy, and then only to a girl (or in the opposite order). Surely you have also heard about blood renewal: for men it happens once every 4 years, for women - once every 3 years, and in accordance with this version, tables have even been developed by which you can determine which of you and your spouse has more blood "Young". If we discard the above versions and move on to more scientific data, it seems that there are at least 2 more ways to outsmart fate. But is it?

The sex of a person is written as a designation of the fusion of two chromosomes - X and Y. In this case, the combination XX indicates a girl, and XY - a boy. The egg always carries the X chromosome. And, in fact, gender depends only on which chromosome the sperm will deliver to the egg. For example, if the X chromosome, then "it will turn out" a girl (XX), but if the Y chromosome, a boy (XY) will be born. Is it possible to somehow influence one of the millions of spermatozoa carrying the desired chromosome? Obviously not. The truth is that "boy" sperm (with the Y chromosome) are more active than the "girl" sperm (with the X chromosome). Moreover, the latter are more hardy.

Once in a woman's body, sperm survive for several days. The best time for fertilization is ovulation. It is generally accepted that with an average cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th (plus / minus a couple of days). Thus, you can: a) make love 1-2 days before ovulation (if you want a girl); b) let the yoke of sperm directly into those 24-48 hours of ovulation (and you are guaranteed a boy). However, in practice, things are not so simple. It is very difficult to determine with an accuracy of the day and hour when the egg leaves the follicle. Even if you use special ovulation tests, it may not save you. Due to the irregularity of the cycle, hormonal dysfunction, stress, due to a sharp change in climate and other circumstances, failures occur. In addition, ovulation sometimes happens twice in 1 cycle, or does not happen at all,

Finally, PGD is perhaps the only, albeit difficult, way to find out and even "choose" the sex of the unborn baby. Fiction? Far from it!

PGD ​​is a preimplantation genetic diagnosis of an embryo. Available for couples planning IVF. As you know, for IVF, a certain number of oocytes (eggs) are taken from a woman's body by puncture, fertilized and grown to a certain age in a special nutrient medium. After 1, the embryo is transferred (planted) into the endometrium of the uterus or "frozen" until a more favorable moment, when the woman's health will allow her to start bearing the baby. But before transferring or freezing, usually on the 3rd day of the embryo's existence, 1 cell is “pinched off” from it and transferred to the laboratory for the study of major genetic “breakdowns” such as Down syndrome, Patau, etc. PGD Allows you to analyze the sex chromosomes X and Y. Thus, you will almost instantly receive information about your baby's gender.

Despite the fact that the level of medicine is growing every year, it is not worth carrying out PGD for the sake of sex determination because of the even minimal, but the danger of damaging the embryo. PGD ​​is indicated only for those who are at risk of carriage of genetic diseases, as well as at the age of 35, when the danger of conceiving an unhealthy baby increases dramatically. Of course, PGD will not save you from other failures such as mosaicism, transmission of gene mutations that have not been previously identified in you, and other hidden diseases and errors of nature. But in this way, even before the embryo transfer, it is possible to weed out all those who are clearly unhealthy, not capable of further development, so that IVF does not turn out to be ineffectual.

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